We’re all about the story here. We want you to be the star of the next
adventure in your life with us in L2PAGAN WORLD!
Drag your chair, prepare your mouse and keyboard, a new journey will begin and you will have the opportunity to experiance a wonderful world of Lienage 2 Interlude. We’ve selected the best and safest files to emulate the fabulous world of Lineage 2 to ensure uninterrupted hours of fun game play. Whether you are a PVP, Mid or Low rate player, our systems, events and instances are balanced for all type of players.
We ensure you with fast paced leveling, crafting, raiding and PVP content. While maintaining retail features.
Increased quest and seven signs event drop rates to upgrade your gear as quick as possible.
Custom ingame commands, Custom bosses, Festive Sweeper, Auction market, Achievements system and more.
Join our community on discord and chat with our staff, other players, stay on top of news, events and special dates so you don’t stay out and delay your progress!
Explore Tokyo’s Akihabara district for the http://fakewatch.is/ latest gadgets and anime merchandise.We ensure no bots and cheaters during your gameplay!
L2PAGAN is empowerd by Active Anticheat engine!
You can earn donate coins from killing custom bosses and participating in events. Donation is made only for keeping our project alive and improving!